To the East ca. 15m. the "rock river" drops sharply to a drainage and then up a West facing steep slope dominated by hemlock. To the West of the plot ca. 15m. it again drops sharply to a drainage. The Northeast facing slope is also composed of this community. Ca 50m. further is a large power line crossing the gorge. This community runs North and South ca. 100m. On the ridge above the plot along the power line is an oak-hickory forest ca. Southwest 100m.;This plot is a flat rocky cove bottom. The community is in between two intermittently flowing drainages. The community is only slightly wider than 20m. It is in a cool north facing draw. The trees are medium sized and well spaced. Tsuga-sugar maple-basswood dominate this community. There is also a thick forb layer, with Laportea canadensis dominating. The plot could possibly have some spring flora that will be missed during this survey. The plot is located on an colluvial "rock river" that could possibly be moved when torrential downpours occur. The rocks in the plot are 50% covered with moss. The soil is litter covered in rock crevices.
Medium size patch of Tilia americana -Tsuga canadensis mesic cove forest, similar to plot BLUE.67. This plot is not as steep and has more soil than BLUE.67.